
Political leadership and crisis in the European Union

Leadership and crisis in the EU - A Panel Discussion

This activity was funded by a Jean Monnet Project held by Dr. Amy Verdun at the Univeristy of Victoria. The panel discussion took place on February 9th, 2017, and was held at the European Committee of the Regions, in Brussels, Belgium.

"Political leadership in the EU" featured a panel discussion of research findings on various aspects of political leadership in the EU: the performance of individual leaders, the strategic choices of EU institutions, and the role of individuals and institutions in specific circumstances and issue areas. Main issues for discussion were: Is the European Union "leaderless" or, else, does it have too many leaders? What are the opportunities and constraints for exercising leadership at European level? What is the impact of supranational and intergovernmental leadership on the course of integration? To what extent can individual leaders put their footprint on EU affairs? Target audiences include CoR members, officials of EU institutions, Permanent Representations of the Member States, representatives from regional offices, interest groups and civil society organisations as well as academics. The event was followed by a reception. Ten policy papers made up the basis of the discussion:

This activity was funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union through the Jean Monnet Programme.

Political leadership in the EU

This panel is part of a larger project  entitled "Political Leadership in the European Union". The principal investigator of the project is , and it receives funding from the Jean Monnet Program from September 2015 through February 2017.

The project also included a conference entitled "Leadership and crisis in the EU", held on June 13th, 2016, and a workshop, "Political leadership in the EU", held on November 20th, 2015.


This panel was organized by Ingeborg Tömmel, Jean Monnet Chair, University of Osnabrück, Germany, and Amy Verdun, Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam, University of Victoria, Canada.

Check out some pictures from the 'Political leadership in the European Union' project: